Since 1981, Komashov Mishorim has executed hundreds of projects for various uses such as: 

Constructing reservoirs, ponds and dams used for water supply, irrigation, wastewater treatment, flood prevention, acids storage, landfills, fish growing, cable ski as well as sealed ponds that include a floating cover for various uses and more. 

We have excavated millions of square meters of dirt, while at the same time more than 5.2 million square meters of plastic polyethylene, HDPE and LDPE sheets, have been imported by our company and installed in various projects in Israel and worldwide; from water gardens, water reservoirs and acid containment to landfills and hazardous waste. 

Our Services include:

  • Earthworks for constructing reservoirs, ponds/pools, dams, wastewater treatment facilities and more
  • Installing floating covers
  • Building trenches and dams
  • Sealing Fuel and Chemical Spill Containment Areas
  • Sealing sheet piling
  • Sealing concrete facilities 
  • Laying sealing sheets as infrastructure for roads and railroads
  • Piping works
  • Reinforced concrete works on sites
  • Routine maintenance of reservoirs and ponds/pools with and without a sealing system
  • Removal of solids under full warranty
  • Cleaning and rehabilitation of ponds and reservoirs 
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