One of the key components in the business of road paving is the sealing.
The sealing serves various purposes, and when facing the constant challenges it is important to find efficient and professional solutions in order to perform these jobs quickly and efficiently.
We have led the sealing processes of many kilometers of paved roads with over 5 million square feet’s of durable and trustworthy plastic sheets designed for general sealing purposes including for the purpose of sealing road infrastructures.
Polyethylene sheets are used for sealing road infrastructures
A Geo-textile sheet to protect the sealing sheets is used for the road infrastructure
Sealing Railway Infrastructure
The railway infrastructure field is also among the many arenas in which Komashov Mishorim operates.
We have all the equipment, tools and machinery required for completing the necessary sealing jobs.
We at Komashov Mishorim put professionalism in the highest regard when aiming to meet the service request requirements and project timelines.
The company’s professional experience in this field was established thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the Israel Lands Administration and Israel Railways and Komashov Mishorim, which among others, is responsible for sealing infrastructures for extensive sections of the Israel Railways’ tracks.
How does Sealing Railroad Infrastructure Works?
The general initial stage:
- Choosing the best suited mechanical equipment for the job, while taking into consideration the topography of the route, the nature of the work, client’s requirements and of course the guidelines and regulations set by the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of National Infrastructure.
- Defining work teams according to the envisioned nature of the job.Teams are defined by skilled and experienced team members who know the workers well and therefore understand how to best incorporate them.
- Create an efficient and tight schedule, while using multiple “leaders” that work simultaneously.In other words, the work is performed in several locations simultaneously while the various work team “leaders” are responsible for their team’s work and ensure their efficiency while at the same time they are working in full synch with the other teams.
- While creating the schedule an assessment of the expected yield from each team and from all the technical equipment is also made.The schedule is built logically and under supervision to ensure it is not seeking to demonstrate “false optimism” only to appease the client.
This is how probable future delays are avoided, by dealing with problems at the initial stage.
- Laying of a geotechnical sheet (geotextile) that protects the polyethylene sheet and above it a polyethylene sheet which seals the soil and prevents any infiltration of liquid and damage to the railway track infrastructure.
Call +972-72-3714030 or leave your details in the contact form, and we will get back to you soon.